Health & Safety Policy Statement
- Introduction
This Health & Safety Policy Statement is in accordance with Section 2 (3) of the Health and Safety at Work
Act 1974 and Section 5 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.
- General Policy
ACTTnow recognises the paramount importance of Health and Safety, Welfare and Environment Management and is committed to achieving the highest standards of information, instruction, training and supervision to our employees and clients.
2.1 ACTTnow will comply with statutory requirements and take account of guidance from the Health and Safety Executive, European Commission Directives, and other authoritative sources in providing safe welfare and safe health working conditions.
2.2 Health and Safety is an integral part of an effective, efficient, and profitable organisation. ACTTnow’ objective is to create a positive Health and Safety culture where employees, clients, contractors, visitors, and members of the public are not exposed to hazards arising from its activities.
2.3 It is the responsibility of management to implement this Policy, to plan, organise, control, monitor and review Health and Safety performance and in particular the following:
2.4 The provision and maintenance of safe plant, equipment, and safe systems of work
2.5 The provision of suitable and sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to enable employees, clients and contractors to perform their work safely and efficiently
2.6 Provide all necessary safety equipment and protective clothing and take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure it is used correctly
2.7 To ensure the safe transport, storage, handling, and use of hazardous substances
2.8 Maintain a constant and continuing interest in Health and Safety and Environmental matters applicable to ACTTnow’ activities. Consult with employees, clients, contractors, and other authorities minimising both accidents and detrimental effects to the environment
3.0 All ACTTnow’ personnel are issued with a copy of this Health and Safety Policy Statement, with access to all relevant Policy documentation. ACTTnow expects all employees (and others) to comply with Health, Safety and Environmental requirements and co-operate with the company in implementing its Policy by:
3.1 Working safely and efficiently to prevent injury, illness to themselves and others
3.2 Complying with statutory Health, Safety and Environmental requirements, Company Procedures and using plant, equipment, and protective clothing in a correct and safe manner
3.3 Reporting accidents and incidents that have led or could have led to injury or damage
- Responsibility
Overall responsibility for the health & Safety Policy Statement rests with ACTTnow’s Managing Director who has, where appropriate, delegate responsibility for its implementation as outlines in the company’s Health and Safety Policy.